

A culinary love letter to the neighborhood


The RYKE is a customer-focused restaurant with high-quality, wholesome cuisine and a warm, welcoming ambiance. The Ryke is dedicated to environmental stewardship and sustainability. 
Our suppliers focus on species-appropriate animal husbandry and the menu is based on seasonal conditions and the region. At the Ryke, people from different backgrounds join eachother to create something new and unique: ideas and recipes made from fresh, carefully selected ingredients.

The interior reflects this mindset. Textured walls of reddish plaster ground from building waste exude a lively vitality. Local craftspeople accomplished a fascinating simplicity, yet attention to details, honesty and value.


We cordially invite you to our delectable Sunday menu, where you may eat, converse and laugh with friends and family.


Ryke‘s distinctive attributes are honesty, fairness and responsibility, then food is good and does good things.

table reservation




opening hours


Tue - Sat
6 pm - 11 pm

à la carte



Sat + Sun

10:30 am - 3 pm




Our menu will be changing frequently, so follow us 
on Instagram to see our latest updates and menus.


F&N Food concept GmbH
Xiaofen Fan
Rykestr. 39, D-10405 Berlin

Fon +49 - 30 - 44013538

(no reservations by phone)
Email info@ryke-berlin.de




 Text Ein Geschmack von Erde“  | Light objects | Artwork on Canvas:
Timo Heijnk

Interiordesign | Concept | Graphicdesign:
Atelier Raumfragen

Pictures | Consulting:
Jules Villbrandt, herzundblut





Information according to § 5 TMG

Imprint of this website created via the Generator 
of the Deutschen Anwaltshotline AG


Ryke, Rykestr. 39, 10405 Berlin, Germany  |  Datenschutzerklärung